A Change of Plan Perhaps

Friday 17 April 2009

When I started this blog - not so very long ago I might add- I had a vision of an information portal for financial services professionals whether a financial adviser, IFA, financial services recruiter, anyone basically working in and around the financial services and financial advisory industries in particular, somewhere financial services professionals could find relevant information to do with their industry. That hasn't changed because although there are a number of information sites for the industry, as a resource I have yet to see many websites or blogs covering the financial services industry from a number of perspectives.

The initial format idea has changed slightly in that yes, it was going to be about hints and tips on sales, marketing, advising itself but in particular the headhunting of suitable financial advisory candidates for many of the jobs I work on - if I'm honest I thought it would be a good way to get in contact with more financial services professionals. The thing is, I quickly realised that it was going to take a very long time to get the number of followers required to make it a viable source of industry professionals. Since then, I've made a conscious decision to change the format of the blog and make it more into a look at the industry from a recruiters perspective and still contain the things I wanted it to initially - so more of a resource for professionals - whether new to the industry or old hands - than a resource for candidates. Of course theres also the novelty value of something personally written - sometimes it will be serious and factual - sometimes it will be blase and amusing -It will however still have its roots in the financial services industry and that's, I suppose, what I wanted.


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